We are aware that many families are having severe challenges with transport and many have not got transport in place for the start of term.

We have been receiving an unprecedented amount of emails from families in this incredibly stressful situation. As parent carers ourselves we fully appreciate how difficult this is, and the damaging impact this will be having on children and young people.

Unfortunately we are now unable to raise individual cases with the transport team, as we are currently unable to get an update on individual cases any quicker than parents contacting the transport team directly, due to volume of enquiries. We are however working hard to try and help them to find and communicate an urgent resolution for families and regularly communicating the collective parent carer experience to emphasise the distress this situation is causing families.

If you are currently having a transport problem the best way to contact the transport team is via email: travel.assistance@surreycc.gov.uk

For advice and support you can contact:-

SEND Advice Surrey



We will continue to work with the transport team in sorting this out as a matter of urgency and will keep all our members fully updated as things develop.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support during this challenging time.