You may be aware that we ran a survey in October and November this year on home to school transport. This was in light of the extreme challenges that many families were encountering with the home to school transport service.

We are very pleased to announce that the outcome of this survey has been of great interest to leaders in Surrey CC and Councillors who sit on the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee. Surrey CC ran their own lessons learned review of the home to school transport delivery this term which we were very much part of bringing the parent carer experience to the review.

Family Voice Surrey have been asked to present the findings of the survey and answer questions at the select committee meeting which is being held this Thursday 15th December.

The slides that we prepared have been shared and have been included in the public meeting agenda. We sincerely apologise that we haven’t been able to share the outcomes with you our members first, but we had an extremely tight deadline to meet to ensure the information would be included in the agenda. We have been working day and night to ensure we fully reflect the experiences of parent carers.

We will be writing again in the new year to share more information about the survey results and the outcomes of the select committee, along with key information about the next steps for the home to school transport service.

Thank you to everyone of you who took the time to complete the survey – by doing so you have really helped ensure that the collective voice of parent carers is heard.

This is the link to the agenda and papers for the meeting on Thursday.