Please see below the communication from SCC on the Local Area SEND Inspection…
Surrey County Council is expecting its Local Area SEND Inspection that will be carried out by OFSTED and CQC. The inspection will take place over a three week period and during that time you will have the opportunity to share your experiences. We do not know when the inspection will take place but will notify you when it starts.
What is a Local Area SEND Inspection?
The Local Area SEND Inspection covers all services provided by the Local Authority and Integrated Commissioning Board for children and young people with SEND. Inspectors will visit a range of early years, education, health providers and specialist services within the local area.
The inspection will evaluate a local area’s effectiveness in commissioning and delivering services to children and young people with SEND. This will include children with and without an EHCP.
What are inspectors going to look at?
Inspectors will meet managers and leaders from the area’s education, health and social care services to review the support provided by the local area for some individual children and young people to better understand how well the local area meets its responsibilities overall.
Inspectors will look for evidence of how children and young people’s special educational needs or disabilities (or both) are identified, how needs are assessed and met, and how they are supported to move on to their next stage of education, the world of work and wider preparation for adulthood.
The inspectors want to see evidence that all partners know the areas of strengths and weakness, and work together on the actions to address and improve these.
These visits will focus on the contribution of education settings to the provision of support to children and young people with additional needs, as part of the overall partnership arrangements.
Inspectors will not:
- carry out inspections of individual education, social care or health services or providers.
- make any judgements on the decision-making or the quality of support provided to individual children or young adults.
- investigate complaints about the support received by individual children or young people or their families.
Inspectors do not have the power to change or overrule decisions about assessment or support that have been made by agencies and service providers in the local area.
Once the inspection begins, we will notify you and share a link to the OFSTED and CQC survey for you to share your experience of the SEND system. If you would like more information, the Department for Education has produced the following guidance: