We promised to keep you all up to date regarding the PCF inspection meeting this morning. Please find below todays update.

FVS began with a 15 minute presentation and this was followed by questions directed to FVS by the Inspectors.

The inspectors are happy for us to share the slides from our presentation and these are linked below for your reference.

FVS Local Area SEND inspection slides

You will see from the slides that the top 7 key themes that we hear from parent carers regularly and repeatedly are:-

EBSNA and Alternative Provision
EHCP processes and communication with the SEND team
ND Pathways
Short Breaks
SEND transport
Social Care and PFA

We will continue to update you as we move through the inspection process and into week 3.

If you have any questions regarding the slides, and/or the inspection process so far, please email inspection@familyvoicesurrey.org.

Please find below all the links included in the presentation:-

Quantitative Data Surveys

Transport 290 responses Home to School Transport Survey Results Home to School Transport: Update Following Survey – Family Voice Surrey
The role of the Case officer 500 responses Role of the SEND Case Officer Survey Results
Short Breaks 231 responses Short Breaks Survey Results
EBSNA 366 EBSNA Survey Results

EBSNA and Alternative Provision

Some reports and our survey that give more information on EBSNA and AP

EOTAS Zoom with Parent Carers: Family Voice Report from EOTAS Zoom on 8th June 2023

EBSNA Padlet Zoom with parent carers: Family Voice Report Zoom on Proposed EBSNA Padlet on 6th July 2023

EBSNA survey results: Families experience of EBSNA_final slides