As you may be aware, new referrals from schools using the Assessment of Need (AoN) form for Neurodiversity (ND) assessment into the Spoke team have currently been paused.  

This is to allow Mindworks to develop a new ND Pathway and to process the backlog of existing referrals made prior to September 2023. This is in response to the overwhelming and unsustainable demand upon services. There is currently approximately a 2.5 year wait to access ND services, with the number of requests for support using the AoN form into the Spoke team reaching over 4,000.  

Mindworks communicated this to schools via the Schools Bulletin initially and then subsequently to families on 30th November 2023, via the Mindworks website, with advice on accessing ND support strategies and a dedicated advice helpline.  

Update on the Neurodevelopmental Diagnostic Assessment Pathway for children :: Mindworks Surrey (mindworks-surrey.org) 

At Family Voice Surrey we absolutely understand the impact that this will have on children and young people and their families. In addition, we also agree that the current process is not fit for purpose, and that children and young people should not be waiting for 2.5 years and should be able to access an appropriate ND pathway.  

We will work closely with Mindworks Surrey to ensure that the challenges facing families are raised, to influence improvements in the development of new and existing ND services. Also, that families are given timely updates that will be clear and transparent, with engagement opportunities throughout this process. 

We are currently seeking answers and feedback on the questions you have raised with us in respect of the GP process, including the Right to Choose, access to ND services for CYP not attending school and the reimbursement of private ND assessments.  

If you would like to share your experience with us, you can do so via our Tell Us Your Story form here: https://familyvoicesurrey.org/your-voice-matters/tell-us-your-story/  or ask us a question by emailing us at contact@familyvoicesurrey.org