Event details

Thursday, March 21st 6pm-8pm

An audience with Michael Charles CEO of Sinclairs Law – special education law.

Family Voice Surrey is delighted to welcome Michael Charles, SEND Lawyer, to an in-person talk/Q&A session especially for Surrey parent carers held in Guildford.

Spaces are limited, please reserve your free place early to avoid disappointment.

Places can be booked using this Eventbrite Link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/audience-with-michael-charles-ceo-sinclairslaw-tickets-795977639547?aff=oddtdtcreator

Venue Concert Hall, Guildford County School, Farnham Road, Guildford, GU2 4LU.

Parking There are some parking places available on site (please advise if disabled parking is required).  Otherwise, there is parking at Farnham Road Multi-Storey Car Park (accessed via Guildford Park Road Entrance – GU2 7NP).

Train The venue is a short 5–10 minute walk from Guildford mainline train station

Events are free for Family Voice Surrey members.

For more information, please email sara.d@familyvoicesurrey.org

Can I ask questions on the evening?

Please email any questions before the day to sara.d@familyvoicesurrey.org
Your questions will be passed onto Michael to answer during the session.  Due to time restrictions, we may be unable to answer any additional questions during or after the event.

About Michael

Michael Charles specialises in Education Law and Human Rights. He has worked in a number of high profile children and education law cases including the infamous ‘internet twins case’. He has worked successfully on cases such as S -v- YP School that established the burden of proof required in child exclusion cases, and important cases that have defined the meaning of ‘suitable education’ in school transport and home tuition. He has defended schools, both independent and maintained in a range of matters from re-organisation to registration. He has succeeded in some of the most important cases concerning post-16 learning which has set the law in this field (R on the application of Alloway -v- Bromley County Council; R on the application of P -v- Windsor and Maidenhead.) He has also worked in some of the most important SEN cases including X -v- Caerphilly County Council (acknowledging the importance of Occupational and Speech Therapy being regarded as educational needs). He succeeded on behalf of a student in a case against the Office of the Independent Adjudicator. The case of Gopikrishna -v- The OIA and the University of Leicester has become the leading authority in determining in what circumstances academic immunity may apply in student complaints.

Mike heads Sinclairlaw’s education law department which has led to the firm’s acknowledgement as a leading practice in publications such as ‘The Legal 500‘ and ‘Chambers Directory‘ as well as the publication Legal Experts 2010. He is a member of The Education Law Association, and frequently lectures around the UK in relation to special educational needs and the law.
