Event details

Join Sara on Tuesday, April 23rd at 10am – 11.30am via zoom

Joining the FASD Group online this time will be Elleni Ross, Designated Social Care Officer for Additional Needs and Disabilities, Surrey County Council.

Elleni is responsible for strategic planning to improve collaboration and integration of social care with SEN.

The FVS FASD Group is for Surrey parent carers of children and young people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder – with or without a diagnosis.  The Group meets on a regular basis and provides an opportunity to share experiences and exchange advice.  We also have a WhatsApp Group for day-to-day chat.

The host for the event is Sara Draycott (Waverley FVS Coordinator) and she is joined by Debbie Bell, a parent carer of an FASD child.  Events are free to attend for Family Voice Surrey members.

Email sara.d@familyvoicesurrey.org for more information and to book your place.