Event details

Mindworks EBSNA Support Project

Following our first session (8th March) with Dr Dave Damon from Mindworks (CAMHS) when we discussed his new EBSNA project, this session will focus on what is working well around EBSNA and School Anxiety.

The aim is to highlight good practice and to clarify pragmatic and effective approaches. When these are effective, what measures have made them effective and when they aren’t effective what has gone wrong?

We will be joined in this session by Jeremy Webster – Surrey Councilor and Vice-Chair of the council’s Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee. Jeremy is part of the Councilors Task Group currently looking at the SEN system in Surrey and is keen to hear more about this new EBSNA Project and our groups involvement with this.

If you missed the session on 8th March and would like a copy of the summary of the session please email lucy.y@familyvoicesurrey.org.

For joining details please email lucy.y@familyvoicesurrey.org and if you are not already a member of our EBSNA/School Anxiety group and would like more information on joining please ask.