Event details

Thursday, April 18, 2024 – 12pm-2pm

SEND Advice Surrey will be joining the ADHD/Autism Group on this occasion.

SEND Advice Surrey is Surrey’s statutory SENDIAS service, a confidential and impartial information, advice and support service for children and young people aged 0-25 years with SEND and their parent carers.

The ADHD/Autism Group is for parent carers of neurodiverse children and young people with or without a diagnosis.  The Group meets online regularly via Zoom so come along and join in.

The co-hosts for the Group are Sara Draycott (Waverley Co-ordinator) and Diana Phillips (Woking Co-ordinator).  This event is free for Family Voice Surrey members.

Please email Sara on waverley@familyvoicesurrey.org for more information and the Zoom log-in details.