Event details
Transition to secondary school and supporting changes
We would like to invite you to join us at our October Transition to Secondary School Event via zoom on 23rd October from 1pm – 2pm
Liz Evans, the Untypical OT will be joining us. Liz is a neurodiverse-affirming, trauma-responsive, qualified occupational therapist of nearly 25 years. She specialises in behaviour, with training in Ayres Sensory Integration, trauma and attachment.
She works alongside and supports parents and professionals to get curious about children and young people’s behaviour (diagnosis and no diagnosis), to discover the why behind the behaviour and, create tailored support strategies that work.
Liz has professional experience in CAMHS (at all tiers), community paediatrics, trauma and attachment, and adult mental health. She also has extensive experience working within pupil referral units, hospital, specialist and mainstream schools
Liz has lived parent experience. She is dyslexic and a single parent to two boys one of whom is in mainstream secondary school, and the other is neurodivergent and learning through an EOTAS (Education Other Than At School) package.
At our Transition to Secondary group. She will share with you her essential behaviour detective checklist to takeaway, to support you in finding the why behind the behaviour for your own young person. Liz will then finish with some strategies and ideas to help.
Following this, there will be an opportunity for you to ask questions.
Please email Nicole Farrell guildford@familyvoicesurrey.org to book a place on this session.