It has been identified during the Surrey Autism Consultation that some autistic people struggled to find appropriate help to find work, particularly for those people not eligible for support from adult social care. Thanks to funding from the All-Age Autism Strategy 25 autistic or neurodiverse people across Surrey will be able to benefit from the Employment Works for Autism project to help support them into paid work or volunteering.
Surrey Choices has successfully piloted a similar programme in the past which supported this cohort, and it was very successful in both user satisfaction and job outcomes. It focussed on proven supported employment techniques of finding unpaid work experience placements to help autistic and neurodiverse people learn work skills and gain confidence in a real employment environment. Many of this group had been unemployed for many years and most had co-morbidity of mental health conditions, but the project still was able to achieve 50% job outcomes in a year.
Participants for the new programme starting April 2023 are encouraged to attend at least two supported work placements to gain work skills and help to find the roles they will enjoy. The support offered will be as much or as little as they need with the aim to fade over time. Alongside work placements, people are encouraged to keep fit, attend volunteering or social groups, building their skills and improving their ability to interact with others in their local communities. Any engagement is celebrated however small if it is an improvement for the individual and moves them closer towards work. All ages are supported (18 +). There is no eligibility, and it is open to all Surrey residents who identify as autistic or neurodiverse and who aspire to find paid work. If you or anyone you know may benefit from this programme please email for more information.
Alternatively use contact details below:
Head Office Address: Surrey Choices, Fernleigh Activity Centre, Fernleigh Close, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England. KT12 1RD
Phone Numbers: Office:– 01483 806806 (Monday – Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm) Text:– 07860 020130