As you will be aware, over the last few months Short Breaks have been working with parent carers in Surrey to explore ways to develop and improve the Short Breaks service. There are of course waiting lists for many Short Breaks services and parent carers often told them that being on a waiting list can be a long and daunting experience. While ultimately using the Short Breaks service is the end goal for many families, the time while waiting for services is very important, they wanted to find ways to make the experience of being on a waiting list a positive one.

The suggestion of activity days which families can access while on the waiting list came up several times during the co-production workshops. With the support of the DFE funding Short Breaks are happy to announce that they have set up 3 activity days for families in the summer holidays.

These activity days are only aimed at families who are on Short Break waiting lists and who do not currently access any other Short Breaks services.

These are free activity days however spaces are limited with each family only being able to book onto one activity day.  While parent carers will still be expected to attend and look after their child, Short Breaks hope within these relaxed environments, families will enjoy a fun and meaningful time with their child creating memories as a family and meeting and networking with other families.

The activity days consist of:

  • Monday 12th August 2024 | 10am – 3pm | Leatherhead Leisure Centre – Soft play at Leatherhead Leisure Centre Guildford Road, Leatherhead, KT22 9BL
  • Thursday 15th August 2024 10am- 3pm| | Stanwell family centre – Sensory room at Hadrian Way, Stanwell, Staines-Upon-Thames TW19 7HE
  • Monday 19th August 2024 | 5:30pm – 7pm | | Air Hop – Trampoline Park at 10 Midleton Industrial Estate Rd, Guildford GU2 8XW

Book on to your preferred activity as spaces are limited – see below for flyers and full details for each event..