Surrey Suicide Prevention Strategy: Feedback

England’s Suicide Prevention Strategy was published in September 2023. It’s a 5-year strategy set with the ambition to reduce suicide rates, improve support for people who have self-harmed & improve support for people bereaved by suicide. Surrey County Council have now drafted a new Suicide Prevention Strategy with the guidance from the national strategy and their own learnings. Please take the time to look at the below link for more information where you will be able to have your say in the survey or book a 1 to 1 session with the team. The closing date for feedback is the 13th of September 2024.

Surrey Suicide Prevention Strategy Engagement – Surrey County Council – Citizen Space (

This is a sensitive, but important subject and it’s important that you have your say. If you or your family need any help, support or advice with this subject please reach out.

Samaritans – A free 24-hour helpline here to listen to you. The phone line will not appear on phone bills. Call 116 123, or email

 Surrey Suicide Bereavement Service is a service from the Lucy Rayner Foundation, which provides 1:1 practical support & advice for families bereaved by suicide. Call: 01737 886551 Email:

Safe Havens– provide out of hours care if you or someone you care for are experiencing a crisis. They are staffed by mental health practitioners and two trained Safe Haven workers. Safe Havens are open evenings, weekends and bank holidays and are in Redhill, Aldershot, Epsom, Guildford, and Woking. You can drop in and do not need to make an appointment.’