Event details

22nd January (6.30pm-8.00pm) 16+ group: Emotional mental health and wellbeing services

Our 16+ group is for Surrey parent carers of young people aged 16-25 with additional needs (as well as parents of those approaching that age). The group meets on alternate months via Zoom on a Monday evening from 6.30pm – 8.00pm. On Monday 22nd January, Kerry Clarke from NHS Surrey is joining us to talk about emotional mental health and wellbeing provision for young people in Surrey (including support for neurodivergent children and young people). She is keen to understand parent carer experiences of accessing information and support that is helpful, what the challenges are, and to explore ideas for what would be helpful going forward.
The FVS co-hosts for the group are Tandridge Coordinator Gretta Schifano and Reigate & Banstead Coordinator Lucy Young. Email gretta.s@familyvoicesurrey.org for joining details.
Membership of this group is free for Surrey parent carers.