Event details
13th May (6.30pm – 8.00pm) 16+ group: Nicola Spruce, Benefits Adviser
Our 16+ group is for Surrey parent carers of young people aged 16-25 with additional needs (as well as parents of those approaching that age). The group meets on alternate months via Zoom on a Monday evening from 6.30pm – 8.00pm. On Monday 13th May, specialist benefits adviser Nicola Spruce is joining us from Renaissance Legal to talk about welfare benefits. We will also have time for a general chat. The FVS co-hosts for the group are Tandridge Coordinator Gretta Schifano and Reigate & Banstead Coordinator Lucy Young. Email gretta.s@familyvoicesurrey.org for joining details.
Membership of this group is free for Surrey parent carers.