Event details

Thursday, November 30 – 12pm-2pm

ADHD/Autism Group talk with Occupational Therapist Pippa Chapman about the benefits of OT; and sensory processing and regulation strategies.

Pippa has experience in NHS and private practice with her own occupational therapy service, Pippas’ OT Works.  She is also a parent of autistic children.

The talk will cover what an Occupational Therapist does?  How does OT benefit your child?  Take a look at behaviours that may be associated with sensory processing and ways to manage these at home.

Our ADHD/Autism online group is for Surrey-based parent carers of neurodivergent children and young people – with or without a diagnosis.  The group meets on a regular basis and our events are free for FVS members to attend.

The FVS hosts for the group are Sara Draycott Waverley Coordinator and Di Phillips Woking Coordinator.

Email:  sara.d@familyvoicesurrey.org for more details and the Zoom log-in details.